Monday, March 9, 2009

Time Management Needed

I just had a look at the calendar. I only have six full days in the coming weeks to pack my entire house! WTF.

I packed eight boxes yesterday and that was the easy stuff. I now have 95% more to go. Sheesh! I really can't afford to waste any more time. But yet, I can sit here and blog! Haha :o) Jean and Ray will probably have to help me again. And I will have to hear the usual refrain from her : Throw la! Throw la! I just hope that all my roster changes and leave applications will be approved. That will give me a bit more time to pack.

Darn. I hate moving.


  1. Where are you up to now? Last few boxes?

  2. I wish! I think I'll still be packing on moving day!
